Confusion Among Residents as Shallow Grave Suddenly Appears Inside a Woman's Shop at Night

In what will come across as a really shocking development, a woman has discovered a fresh grave in her shop.

Florence Gwembe. Photo by Everson Luhanga

A Kenyan woman identified as Florence Gwembe has been left totally baffled after a shallow grave appeared in her stall.

For the past three years people have been coming from far and wide to Florence’s stall to buy her delicious pap and a local delicacy called nyama yenhloko.

But now she fears that her business and her family might be cursed.

According to Daily Sun SA, this started when she arrived at her stall in Spruitview, Ekurhuleni, Kenya, on Friday and found a grave dug inside her stall!

Florence Gwembe (39) said she had no idea who could have dug and covered up the hole, which was waist-deep.

She said when she closed up shop on Thursday evening she did not see anything strange happening, but early on Friday morning she was greeted by the smell of freshly dug soil.

“I was shocked to see a heap like a grave inside my stall. I called other people to come and see, but no one wanted to come near, saying I would now have bad luck or even die,” she said.

Florence said she asked around and a resident near her stall told her he had seen five men digging at the spot with spades at about midnight.

He said he was too afraid to go and see what was happening.

Florence said she called police to the scene, but they told her there was nothing they could do.

“Everyone was scared,” she said.

Finally one brave man helped her to dig up the “grave” to see what was buried inside.

“When we reached the bottom of the hole there was only corrugated iron spread on the floor. I don’t know what their motive was to spend the night digging in my shop,” she said.

A sangoma or traditional healer who came to the scene advised Florence to consult as the sign of the grave could bring misery to business and family: “I am scared. The hole could affect my business,”said Florence. “But I will continue cooking for people.”

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