You Won't Believe What Church Members Did to a Popular Politician After He Insulted the Pastor

A politician who had the nerve to insult the pastor of a church has incurred the wrath of the church members.

Samson Thuranira, a popular Kenyan lawmaker, has been bared from attending from attending a church.

Thuranira, a Member of County Assembly, was barred from attending church service in his Ntima West ward of Imenti North Constituency, after allegedly insulting his pastor.

According to Tuko, Thuranira is alleged to have insulted Pastor Joshua Mwenda of Gachiege EAPC church calling him Kumbafu.

The MCA accused insulted him for using his key competitor in the 2017 general elections, Edwin Bundi, as the key organiser of a harambee that was attended by Igembe South MP and senate aspirant for Meru Mithika Linturi as the guest of honour.

“Thuranira should forget ever addressing a meeting in this church for calling our pastor ‘Kumbafu’,”said another pastor in the church, Jeremy Kiogora.

“I have no apologies to make because he has sealed all the loopholes and avenues that can be used to help our vulnerable children”.

The man's alleged insults infuriated church members who allegedly blocked the church premises when he was sighted coming to church the following Sunday.

The MCA however said he didn’t insult the pastor.

“Nothing like that happened and I never insulted anybody. If they continue with such reports I will consider suing them in a court of law for tarnishing my name those are their falsehoods,” said Thuranira

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